2021-04-30 A house without guile

No one will live in my house who practices guile. No one that speaks a lie will abide in my presence. Psalm 101

The Psalmist (David) wants to distance himself from sin. He was called ”a man after God's heart”, and we see that here, like God, he detests sin. Recall stories of David's later years (Amnon and Tamar comes to mind): his house was full of sin! Why couldn't David get a handle on this? Can anyone clean their house of sin?

From his fullness we all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses. Grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. John 1:16-17

We know the law through Moses, but are given grace through the love of Christ. So, should we keep sinning, since we are under grace and not under the law? May it never be so! Paul writes in Romans 6 that we died with Christ to live with Him, living with God.

I will sing of loving kindness and justice. To you, Yahweh, I will sing praises. Psalms 101:1

God (Father, Son, and Spirit) is a God of love AND justice. Halelujah! Cleanse us of sins. Thank you for grace, that we might one day stand blameless before you.