2021-04-28 Gideon's legacy

Read Judges 8:18-35

The story of Gideon usually focuses on his doubts, faith, and God's power to use the army of 300 to defeat the Midianites, but the epilogue shows that Gideon was another fallen human, with a capacity for sin.

What did Gideon do right here?

“I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you. Yahweh shall rule over you.”

What did Gideon do wrong here?

First, he made an ephod out of the golden earings, and placed it in a prominent location. People worshipped that, instead of Yahweh. It snared even Gideon and his family. Secondly, he took many wives. He did not hold fast to his wife as Genesis 2:24 describes. He acted as the pagan kings would act, not following God's plan for love and union. Third, he did not teach his children to follow Yahweh. He had a child by a concubine. In chapter 9, it's seen how Abimelech allies with his mother's family against the sons of his father. While Gideon and his house were snared by the ephod, Abimelech likely spent a lot of time with his mother in Shechem, as that's where it's clear his loyalties lie.

What can we learn from Gideon's legacy?

Even if God uses you, you must be humble! Are you demolishing idols only to replace them with other idols? While Gideon's heart started in the right place, he was led astray by his own success.

Hold fast to Christ! Obey God's commands! Train your children to walk in His ways.